3Q24 Results: new strategic agreement with Apax Partner

illimity Stories

The story of Alessi

Alessi, a centenarian company of Italian Design, turns 100 years old and inaugurates a new century of development and research in the field of applied arts.

illimity talks

19 September 2022

19 September 2022

illimity NOVAS equity conference

19 May 2022

5:30 P.M.

19 May 2022

5:30 P.M.

Corrado Passera at LUISS for "Italy's present and future - opportunities and challenges" the Wharton event on the future of Italy

2 December 2020

2 December 2020

Is the job changing for banks and financial operators? Corrado Passera talked about it today at RCS Academy Talks on Corriere.it